This is the first of many blog posts from Lost Acres Resort. We have had lots and lots of rain this summer so far. The lake level is the highest we've ever seen it. The reeds are not even visible. The docks are just above the water level and has given new meaning to "walking on water". We may be re-setting them to raise them but not sure if our heads will be above the water at the end of the docks.
But, we are fortunate as some of our resorter friends have cabins that are taking on water.
The really good news is that fishing has been the best we've ever seen it. Even the kids are catching big fish and everyone is catching a lot of fish. And, every variety.
Every year there is something new going on at Lost Acres and this year it is the new road. This is about the 3rd time we've fixed the roads but this new surface seems to be working best. The road was in about a week before we had a 5 inch rainfall which did not wash the road away but did wash the sand on the side of the road away. It is holding up well and looks really nice.
We are gearing up for the July 4th week. The kids at Lost Acres will be busy all week. We have children's activities all week long, the Bounce House will be back, and we are having a parade on the 4th. We are always in competition for best parade with our friends and neighbors at another resort. There will also be a potluck picnic on the evening of the Fourth followed by an adult bean bag competition and several kid game competitions. And, it wouldn't be complete without our Fireworks display put on by Larry and James Parks (former seasonal campers and pyrotechnicians).
So the summer is progressing and we are looking forward to a busy and fun July. More later!