Sunday, August 13, 2017

Take your child fishing

Kids at any age LOVE to go fishing!  Especially if they catch fish.  And, it doesn't matter how big or how many...they just love to catch fish.  Lost Acres is a great family fishing resort and many of the kids who come here are our best fishermen.  This is a great article about taking your kids fishing.  Just follow this link:

Monday, January 23, 2017

Busy Winter at Lost Acres Resort

Another busy winter at the resort.  No big projects going on but lots of little repairs.  We've been busy getting rid of lots of things in the garages and Lodge that have accumulated over the past 15 years.  Feels good to clean house so to speak. 

The weather has been really fickle.  It was very frigid in late December and early January.  And for the last week it has been in the 30s.  The fishing has been great though despite the weather changes. 

While we have been really busy this winter, we still have some openings.  Come on up and do some ice fishing.