Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer is coming to a close!

This time of year is bittersweet in the resort business.  While usually quite tired and ready for some rest, it also means that we will not be seeing as many wonderful people as we have all summer.  So, now it is time for us to enjoy the beauty and peace and serenity of this Lost Acres place that all of our guests have enjoyed throughout the summer.  The trees are starting to turn just a bit because we have been dry the past several weeks but we are getting moisture this week which should slow that process a bit.  The sunsets and sunrises have been spectacular.  Fishing continues to be good but now it is the panfish that are biting.  Kids have still had luck getting Northern and Walleye off the docks.  Not as much action on the beach now.  So, it must be official that summer is coming to a close. 

The good news is that September is one of the most glorious months at Lost Acres!  Warm days, cool nights, crisp fall smells, and campfires take on a different meaning this time of year.  We are filling up fast for the last hurrah over Labor Day.  Bittersweet!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

A week of Reunion!

On a rainy Sunday afternoon 5 years ago the Bemidji Chamber called us with a referral.  A group from California had stopped in the Chamber to find a place to stay.  They needed a resort that took pets.  We accepted their reservation and the West family showed up on our doorstep.  The first year they made many friends at the resort and have come back for the past 4 years.  This year they brought friends with them. They drive all the way from Southern California to vacation at Lost Acres!!!  Some of our seasonal campers have driven up from their homes near Minneapolis to spend time with them.  The teenagers have made friends with other teens from families that have come here the same week every year.  They can be seen sharing campfires, going tubing together, hanging out at the Lodge together and having a good time.  It has been so fun to watch the friendships that have been made and to follow the families on Facebook.  It truly has been a week of reunion.  We are missing the Beadle/Kulander families from Louisiana though.  Another great story of friendships made at the resort.

It has also been the week of reunion for the RAVE water trampoline too!  They seagulls always seem to find the tramp this time of year ( a reunion) and each morning the seagull residue must be cleaned off before the kids can play on the tramp.  The old seagull deterrent that was a homemade device broke early in the week so new "spiders" were ordered.  Don't know how well they work though because within a couple of hours of putting them on, one was dropped into the lake and sank.  The next morning the other one was found bent and disfigured.  Soooo, the Lost Acres guys fixed one and went diving for the other.  Spiders saved!!! Yet, another reunion.  But, an hour later the water trampoline came loose from its anchor and was seen floating away with people on it.  On the bait house radio we heard "Uh the water trampoline is floating away with people on it".  So another rescue ensued.  The people and tramp were safe but the anchor could not be found.  It took several hours of diving but we were able to re-anchor the tramp and it's anchor.  Another reunion!  The spiders keep sinking so we don't think that is going to be a valid solution to the bird dropping problem.  We have decided that we should just tie a scrub brush to the tramp so that the first person on it can scrub away the residue each morning.  Ahhhh the joys of resorting. 

The weeks of this summer are flying by and soon all the reunions and problems of the year will be behind us.  We look forward each year to our reunions with all our friends from hither and yon (except the seagulls) and count the days until everyone's return.  The best joy of resorting!!! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 4th week a fun time!

Fourth of July week was a fun time and a HUGE success at Lost Acres!  We started the week with a Medallion hunt.  Each day clues were given as to the location of the Medallion.  It was found on the 4th day by Gus Goodell who is a grandson was a guest of our seasonal camper Lorry Gunhus. The prize for finding the Medallion was $20. 

 Each day we had activities for the children at the resort.  This was especially fun the first two days of the week as it was raining.  We did a craft day where the kids made small fire rings, visors decorated for the 4th, flag pins and flag ornaments.  A nature scavenger hunt got the kids out walking around the resort looking for the items on the scavenger hunt.  This was also fun because the kids got to know each other pretty well by the end of the week.  On the third day we had yellow boat races.  The parents really enjoyed seeing the kids race.  Winners won a medal. 

On the Fourth the kids came to the Lodge in the morning to get a 4th of July face tattoo.  This was followed by our annual kids parade around the resort and around a neighboring resort.  Everyone wore some type of 4th of July garb and decorated golf carts, bikes and trailers.   Our parade is led by our Lost Acres Grand Marshalls Ron Gilbertson and Ron Beckman.  We truly miss our past Grand Marshall Bill Papke.  We dedicated the parade to him this year.  And, to top off the parade we had Charlie the horse ridden by his owner Maddie Cease.  Maddie is one of our employees here at the resort. 

After the parade, since it was a beautiful day, everyone went out to play on the lake.  Unfortunately, a squall came up suddenly and one of the boats that was tied up at the resort sank.  It took a whole village to raise the boat and get it pumped out and back to the boat ramp.  We then had a picnic which was enjoyed by all.  This was followed by our second annual bean bag competition and kids games.  At dusk, we had our annual fireworks display put on by Larry and James Parks.  This year was the best show ever! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rain rain go away!

This is the first of many blog posts from Lost Acres Resort.  We have had lots and lots of rain this summer so far.  The lake level is the highest we've ever seen it.  The reeds are not even visible.  The docks are just above the water level and has given new meaning to "walking on water".  We may be re-setting them to raise them but not sure if our heads will be above the water at the end of the docks. 
But, we are fortunate as some of our resorter friends have cabins that are taking on water. 

The really good news is that fishing has been the best we've ever seen it.  Even the kids are catching big fish and everyone is catching a lot of fish.  And, every variety. 

Every year there is something new going on at Lost Acres and this year it is the new road.  This is about the 3rd time we've fixed the roads but this new surface seems to be working best.  The road was in about a week before we had a 5 inch rainfall which did not wash the road away but did wash the sand on the side of the road away.  It is holding up well and looks really nice.

We are gearing up for the July 4th week.  The kids at Lost Acres will be busy all week.  We have children's activities all week long, the Bounce House will be back, and we are having a parade on the 4th.  We are always in competition for best parade with our friends and neighbors at another resort.  There will also be a potluck picnic on the evening of the Fourth followed by an adult bean bag competition and several kid game competitions.  And, it wouldn't be complete without our Fireworks display put on by Larry and James Parks (former seasonal campers and pyrotechnicians). 

So the summer is progressing and we are looking forward to a busy and fun July.  More later!